The Nonprofiteer’s Fundraising Field Guide rewrites a century of practice and research for modern nonprofits. It inspires readers to take fast action by exploring the 10 core behaviors of servant-leaders. Behaviors like listening, empathy, healing, building community, and much more. Heartfelt stories from social impact leaders fill the pages, demonstrating exactly what is possible for everyday nonprofiteers.

For those interested in a realistic, inspiring roadmap, this is your fundraising field guide. It’s for anyone who wants to engage with donors, grow revenue, and improve philanthropy.

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This is your field guide.

What people are saying.

“Wildstein has written an inspiring and tactical book on how to become the sensitive, connected, and enlightened fundraisers we all strive to be.”

— Rhea Wong, author of Get That Money, Honey! and host of The Nonprofit Lowdown podcast

The Nonprofiteer’s Fundraising Field Guide is a modern manifesto for the fundraiser ready to step into more alignment in their values, leadership, and impactful work.”

— Jon McCoy, Co-founder and CEO, We Are For Good

“If you are feeling stuck and seeking direction in your nonprofit career, let this be the map that guides you out of the woods and towards fundraising success.”

— Ryan Ginard, author, Future Philanthropy and Nonprofit Moneyball

Through his analysis of servant-leadership, Wildstein offers many compelling and practical tips for fundraisers, executives, board members, and others associated with non-profit organizations. This will be a must-have book for years to come.”

—Larry C. Spears, president and CEO, The Spears Center for Servant-Leadership


>> View the book’s Media Kit

>> Book Review (Candid/Philanthropy News Digest)

>> Author Spotlight (Association of Fundraising Professionals)

>> Your Fundraising Field Guide: 10 Core Behaviors of Servant-Leaders (We Are For Good)

>> These Core Principles Of Servant Leadership Can Make Your Fundraising More Effective (Build Good)

>> Transforming Nonprofits Through Servant-Leadership (What The Fundraising)

>> The Power of Servant-Leadership in Fundraising (Nonprofit Hub)

>> How Servant-Leadership Can Boost Philanthropy (Pursuant/Go Beyond Fundraising)

>> Is Servant-Leadership Making a Comeback? (Nonprofit Leadership)

>> Servant-Leadership + Fundraising (Nonprofit Lowdown)